
Error Retrieving or Displaying Information


This describes any problem where the UI fails to retrieve information from DKube, or does not show or update the information.


This problem can occur when there is a temporary miscommunication between the UI and the DKube application, or when the network is not accessible. Refreshing the browser window will typically fix this issue.

Problems Accessing DKube url


The DKube url is not accessible or not behaving properly.


The Chrome and Firefox browsers are supported. Please ensure that you are using one of these, and that it is up-to-date.

Deleting a repo or run does not work


Selecting a repo or run for deletion does not remove the entity.


A repo or run cannot be deleted if it is used to create a model or dataset.

Notebook or Job Loading Slowly


After submitting a Notebook or Run, it stays in the Queued, Waiting for GPUs, or Starting status for a long time.


The first time that a Run or Notebook is submitted after installation with a new version of TensorFlow, it pulls the image, which takes additional time. The time to pull is dependent on the network speed, but on average it will take about 2 minutes.

Subsequent downloads for the same version of the framework will start more quickly.

Error Status for Notebook or Run


After submission, a Notebook or Run goes into the Error state.


The run has identified an internal problem that prevents proper operation. The first step is to clone and re-submit the run.

GPUs are Not Available on Master Node


GPUs are installed on the Master Node, but are not showing up in DKube.


The ability to schedule GPUs on the Master Node is an installation option. Check with the cluster administrator to determine if DKube was installed with this capability.

Special Notebook “DKube” is in the stopped state


The special DKube Notebook that is used for testing the inferencebis not running when initially accessed


The “DKube” Notebook is launched in the stopped state. You must start it in order to use it. Once it has been started, it will remain in the running state until stopped.

Jupyter Notebook Takes a Long Time to Load


JupyterLab Notebook does not load immediately from the icon on Notebook screen.


This is expected behavior. It can take as long as a minute for JupyterLab to load.

404 Error Message from Notebook or Run Screen


A 404 error message appears when:

  • Selecting the Tensorboard icon on an instance from the Training Run screen

  • Selecting the Notebook icon on an instance from the Notebook screen


This can happen if either icon is selected too soon after starting the Notebook or Job. It can take several minutes before the selections are active. Wait for several minutes and retry the activity.

Insufficient GPU Message Even Though the Pool is Large Enough


An error message appears when a Run is submitted, showing that there are not enough GPUs available. The submission is lower than the number of GPUs in the Pool, so that the Job should be queued.


If this happens in a clustered system, it means that there are not enough GPUs to satisfy the submission on a single node. The Advanced option should be used when submitting the Run. This behavior is described in section Clustered Pools.

GitHub Users Do Not Appear from On-Board Popup


In the User On-Board Popup on the Operator screen, the user list for the organization does not appear.


This can occur if the GitHub authorization credentials have been activated or changed. Refresh the User list as explained in section Add (On-Board) User.

Configuration ini file is not found when running dkubectl command within Notebook


When running a dkubectl command within a Notebook, the message “Error : Can’t read config file” is displayed.


The dkubectl commands in the guide assume that the command is run from the home folder. If it is run from another folder, the config file will not be found.